The Fixed and Mobile Bundle plans allow customers more voice value + more entertainment channels in addition to discount on your mobile plans.
If a customer removes one service in a 3-product fixed bundle, then the customer can be placed on a 2-product fixed bundle and retain Fixed and Mobile bundle benefits.
If a customer removes one service in a 2-product fixed bundle, then the customer can be placed on a 1 product fixed bundle and retain Fixed and Mobile bundle benefits.
If the customer terminates their mobile, then the customer is no longer available for Fixed and Mobile bundle benefits.
Yes. Customers can have up to 4 mobile service numbers on their account. Mobile numbers can be any combination of Prepaid and Postpaid.
The bill due dates remain the same for fixed and mobile services.
The main account holder must sign the fixed services bundle form. For the mobile form, the main account holder in addition to any other person sharing the mobile benefits (up to 3 additional persons).
Customers who sign-onto our Fixed and Mobile Bundles will receive 50% off any LTE Combo plan or double data on all prepaid Always On Combo.
Once fixed services are active, customer will receive assigned mobile benefits on their Postpaid and/or prepaid services.
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