All customers who have been switched over to our Superfast packages will receive a personal letter providing details of the new plans, rates and the end of the trial period.
The broadband which most of our customers have today is ADSL. In our FREE Superfast Broadband trials most customers received an upgrade in speeds of up to 6 times faster than their current speeds.
If you are an existing Flow customer, you may be asked to come in to one of our stores and collect a new modem depending on the package you select or the modem you have today. We will determine if this required for you when you speak to one of our sales agents. New customers will be required to take a new modem.
We will aim to provide you with Superfast Broadband within 7-10 working days.
We are rolling out Superfast Broadband across the Island, to check if it is available in your area please visit our website, and click on our line-checker tool. Enter your current fixed line phone number to determine if Superfast Broadband is available in your area.
For existing customers that require a new modem based on your new plan packages, you will be required to bring in your old modem to one of our stores and swap it out for the new VDSL modem.
For existing Flow Broadband Customers who have had our broadband service prior to October 2015, you will have automatically been upgraded to the new Superfast plans free of charge (if) they reside in an area where the Superfast service is available.
The trial last for one month. During the trial, you will be upgraded to one of our Superfast plans. After the trial your price will reflect the new plan prices.
You can opt out of the new plans and prices at anytime during your one month trial. To do this you will need to fill out the online form or speak to one of our retail agents.
This will depend on your existing package. The difference in rate is a nominal one, however the difference in speed is significant. Visit our website to see the new plans & prices.
You can download several applications that will perform this test for you.
To ensure that you get the most accurate measurement, please run this speed test from a PC or Laptop which is connected to the modem via a wired connection
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